Monday, August 23, 2010
Is it Really All About Me?
7:17 AM |
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"He shall feed his flock like a shepherd:
He shall gather the lambs with His arm, and carry them in His bosom,
and shall gently lead those who are with young."
Isaiah 40:11
I have to admit, these words didn't mean that much to me when I was a college girl singing the piece from Handel's Messiah. Beautiful song, poetic words--but sadly, nothing that really got my attention.
However, this prophecy of comfort quickly began to penetrate my heart after the birth of my third child.
I was tired...
I felt like a lousy mother...
But perhaps the strongest feeling that I had was a deep sense that what I was doing was completely unappreciated. When it came to the constant demands of my family, I believed that I was giving myself completely to the task, but that my efforts were always coming up short.
(Okay, so maybe I still feel this way from time to time...okay, most of the time...)
I want to be a good mother. Doesn't anybody see how hard I'm trying?
Doesn't anybody notice what get's done around here? They sure seem to notice what doesn't get done!
What about me? When do my needs get met?
If I'm honest with myself, the troubles I have as a wife, mother, and homemaker have at least 90% to due with my own sin. My own selfish desires. My own self-righteous attitude and lack of dependence upon God.
If I want to start talking about me, that's the brutal truth of it.
Yet, what does our culture say to weary young mothers? Does it admonish us to die to ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Christ?
No, of course not. Rather, struggling ladies are regularly fed lines such as these...
You know, I could never stay home with my kids. I'd go crazy! Why don't you just put them in school and get a job?
Well, you made your own bed. I don't know why you guys had to have so many kids. Haven't you figured out how that happens yet?
You need to stop thinking about everybody else and start thinking about yourself for a change. I mean, if mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!
There it is all comes back to personal peace and happiness, doesn't it?
Since when has following Christ been about the pursuit of personal peace and happiness? If that's what we're selling to the lost world around us, maybe that's why we have so many people walking around who claim to have had a conversion experience, who have subsequently walked away from Christianity!
It also seems to be what our world is selling young couples in regards to parenthood.
The decisions about whether or not to have children,
how many children to have,
and how to raise and educate them,
seem completely predicated upon what is most likely to make the adults happy.
As a timely example, I read this article in the Vancouver Sun this morning:
The author discusses overpopulation and the plight of "unwanted" children, but the number one reason to not have kids? Childless couples seem to be happier.
One commenter on the article wrote the following:
"My childfree choice has allowed me to experience the greatest freedom, independence, free time, sleep time, life success and happiness. I spend most of my time enjoying my life doing things that make me happy or will help me become happier; if I were not childfree, then I would be spending most of my time doing things that made me unhappy."
There it is again--"Me, Me, Me!" Me and my happiness.
Now, to be fair, the author of the article does not claim to think that all people should be childless. In fact, this article is merely one in a series of articles about the choice to have--or not have--children. But no matter which side of the aisle he's addressing, it's still all about what makes adults happy.
This is what secular humanism has given birth to in our culture--a society full of people who don't look past their own desires, pleasures and prosperity.
"For people will be lovers of self..."
2 Timothy 3:2a
"Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things."
Philippians 3:19
The sin of self-indulgence has given birth to a culture of death, where children are treated as a blight and a curse instead of a blessing.
"But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus."
2 Timothy 3:14
Does the Bible have a different message for weary mothers? You'd better believe it.
"But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ. Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord."
Philippians 3:7-8
Is it worth dying to ourselves to serve Christ in our homes? Is it worth giving up aspirations of career and prosperity to instead give our lives to raising children who will serve Him? Is it worth all the sleepless nights and weary days to have, at the end of our days, a legacy of faithful sons and daughters who are changing the world for His glory?
Is it always fun? No.
Do I cry a lot? Um...Yeah.
Do I get to travel on a whim, go to the spa, or spend my money at the mall with the girls? You have to be kidding me.
But it's not all about me...and those who live as though it is all about them are kidding themselves.
"Whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave-- just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."
Matthew 20:27-28
By His Grace,
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Pray for Micah Andrews--UPDATE
5:47 AM |
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Some of you have been asking me how little Micah Andrews is doing. I am happy to report that his surgery went as perfectly as could have been expected!
He has a long road to recovery, though. You can read a full update on Micah's blog:
I also received an email from Heather this morning, saying that he smiled today! She's had to see so many difficult things these past two weeks. I am rejoicing with her in this small, but hopeful blessing!
Again, I would ask any of you who feel lead to please leave a note of encouragement for the Andrews family this morning. The scariest part may be over, but there are still many struggles and uncertainties ahead. Please continue to keep little Micah and his family in your prayers.
He has a long road to recovery, though. You can read a full update on Micah's blog:
I also received an email from Heather this morning, saying that he smiled today! She's had to see so many difficult things these past two weeks. I am rejoicing with her in this small, but hopeful blessing!
Again, I would ask any of you who feel lead to please leave a note of encouragement for the Andrews family this morning. The scariest part may be over, but there are still many struggles and uncertainties ahead. Please continue to keep little Micah and his family in your prayers.
"Wonderful are your works;
My soul knows it very well."
Psalm 139: 14
Psalm 139: 14
By His Grace,
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
The World is Not Enough
6:54 AM |
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I am frequently told how smart my children are.
Maybe that sounds like I'm bragging--and it's certainly not intended to be--but it is the situation that I find myself in. I have smart kids.
There was a time when I took more credit for this than I do now...a time when I thought their intelligence was simply due to the fact that they were home with me all day, rather than being farmed out to various substitute caregivers. But I have to be honest and say that not every home educated six-year-old can read at a 5th grade level, nor does every homeschooled 4-year-old understand place value. I don't fancy myself to be that stellar of a teacher. Without a doubt, much of it is inborn; or, more accurately, a gift from God.
Intelligence. A gift from God. "So, that must make homeschooling pretty easy for you, doesn't it?"
Well, in a way, yes. I suppose it does help with any motivation problems I might have to hear my 4-year-old say, "Please, mom, could we do math?...Please???".
And it does help that I can hand just about any book to my son and have him be able to read most of the words accurately (although, this causes a whole set of other problems).
But, it doesn't let me "off-the-hook". In a way, having intelligent children makes my job as a home educating mom harder.
It might be tempting for me to coast through this homeschooling thing. Tackle the three R's, impress my friends with their academic achievements, and believe that I have done my job.
But, here's the thing...
I am not afforded the luxury of raising geniuses who have no character.
This is the BIG problem with education in this country, and homeschoolers are not immune to it.
We can spend so much time trying to "prove" to everyone else that our home educated children are just as smart as, if not smarter than, their government educated peers. We can talk to death about the problems with the public school system, how bad the literacy rates are among 4th graders, how high school students don't get a course in basic economics, and how most of our kids don't know the difference between Martin Luther and Martin Luther King, Jr.
However important these issues may be--and they are important--they still miss the greater point.
The most glaring thing missing from a government education is--GOD.
And, please, let us not think we are much better if we believe that reading a Bible verse and saying a prayer first thing in the morning is sufficient.
No, indeed, sprinkling a couple of Bible verses into an otherwise secular education doesn't make it Christian any more than standing around in a parking lot makes one a car.
Our primary goal in education must be to train up fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ. The thought of our children rejecting the Savior ought give us cause to fall to our knees, trembling and tearful. Why do we seem to miss this point? Do we really think this is the Sunday School teacher's job? Do we really believe that because our child was baptized, or "prayed a prayer" when he was five, that we can sit back, relax, and breath a sigh of relief? I sincerely hope not!
"And these word that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise."
Deuteronomy 6:6-7
We must teach every subject from a distinctively Christian perspective. If we have a hard time understanding what that would look like, we need to re-examine our own world-view. Moreover, we must seek to lead them to Christ in everything we teach, and with our whole lives.
"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom,
And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."
Proverbs 9:10
This one goal--that they KNOW GOD--must transcend everything else. If it does not, we have failed, no matter how brilliant, successful, or wealthy our children one day become.
Is "the world" enough?
"Then Jesus told his disciples, 'If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.
For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?
For the Son of Man is going to come with his angels in the glory of his Father, and then he will repay each person according to what he has done."
Matthew 16:24-27
No, the world is NOT enough. Not even close. Not by a long-shot.
How do these words of Jesus change the way we think about our children's education? Do they?
Friday, August 13, 2010
Pray for Micah Andrews
7:41 AM |
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"For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts your thoughts."
Isaiah 55:8-9
Today is a day of mixed emotions for me. When I am done typing this, I am off to the hospital to visit a newborn baby--the fourth boy born into a loving, Christian family. May God be praised!
And, at the same time, my heart is heavy. A dear friend of mine from my college days, Heather Andrews (Averill) is, in just a few short minutes, about to send her dear two-year-old son, Micah, off to have major surgery on his neck, as a result of injuries sustained in a serious car accident. There are so many unknowns, and yet she and her husband, John, cling to the hope that they have though Jesus Christ. May God be praised!
My two-year-old son's name is also Micah--imagine two friends on opposite sides of the country, giving their sons the same name without knowing it!--and every time I snuggle my Micah and kiss his cheeks, I feel grateful, and unworthy, and I grieve, and I pray, and I ask God to please sustain her. How can I even begin to wrap my mind around how she must feel right now? God, You are sovereign. You are holy. Your name be praised.
Dear friends, would you please visit Micah's blog right now? Would you pray for little Micah, and would you please leave a note of encouragement for John and Heather?
You can also visit them at CaringBridge:
"I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart:
wait, I say on the LORD."
Psalm 27:13-14
Thanks so much for your prayers!
By His Grace,
Thursday, August 12, 2010
10 Pieces of Good Advice from Experienced Homeschooling Moms
6:16 AM |
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I sometimes have to laugh at the idea of my being any sort of a homeschooling "expert". After all, I wasn't homeschooled, was anti-homeschooling as a college student (could somebody please help me to remember the name of the educational ministries professor I argued with openly in class, so that I can apologize publicly?), and my homeschooled kids are all still "little". What do I really contribute to this conversation?
I must humbly admit that most of what I know has come from listening to experienced homeschooling parents. (That, and reading. I've always been a bookworm.) This is why I strongly encourage parents, especially those who are new to homeschooling, to join some sort of a homeschooling support group or co-op. Bare minimum, we all would benefit from 2-3 moms who know more than we do.
I am thankful to be part of a church that is very supportive of homeschooling, with many women who have walked this road ahead of me. Several of these ladies have given me little "nuggets" of advice, that the LORD consistently uses to help me keep moving forward when I start to lose perspective. I hope the "top ten" that I share here today will be as encouraging to you as they have been to me:
1. Much of early homeschooling can be accomplished with two activities--reading out loud and playing outside.
2. Preschool doesn't need to take more than 15 minutes a day. Kindergarten, no more than 45. Now, she didn't say that she never taught her little ones anything for the rest of the day...only that she didn't need to "do academics" any longer than that. My kids regularly want to do school longer--but this is really good to remember when they, or I, don't.
3. Teach reading while nursing the baby. Teach math while the baby naps.
4. If you have the choice between working together and "doing school" together, work together. Life is work, and teaching our children the value of work is one of the most important gifts we can give them. When we work together, we usually have the opportunity to do the kind of "walk-along, talk-along" discipleship that Jesus did.
5. Did you read the Bible and pray with them today? If so, stop beating yourself up. You did what was most important. Tomorrow is a new day.
6. If it's not working for you and your child, get rid of it. It doesn't matter if every other homeschooling mom you know loves it. Be done with it. No amount of money spent on curriculum is worth the daily stress and tears. (If it's really that highly recommended, it should be easy to resell on
7. Try to choose "multi-age" curriculum whenever possible. This kind of curriculum allows you to study a subject--say ancient history--as a family. Your kindergartener can learn about the pyramids right along side his 2nd grade brother and his 5th grade sister...sometimes all the way through highschool. It saves time, saves money, reduces mommy stress, and promotes family togetherness.
8. It is okay, for example, to allow your son to complete all of his math assignments for a month in a matter of days, in order that he might spend the rest of that month building with Legos. He might become a computer programmer someday. (True Story.)
9. If your child understands the material, it's perfectly acceptable to move on to the next lesson. You don't need to finish every assignment. In fact, some books just weren't meant to be finished. You didn't do every lesson in every textbook you were issued in school, did you?
10. Don't forget to enjoy your kids!! Homeschooling is relational...don't miss it! If you're having an "off" day, get out and do something fun as a family, or have a playdate with friends. Remind yourself daily how blessed you are to be free to educate your own children in accordance with your faith and values. Hug and kiss them regularly.
They grow up way too fast.
I must humbly admit that most of what I know has come from listening to experienced homeschooling parents. (That, and reading. I've always been a bookworm.) This is why I strongly encourage parents, especially those who are new to homeschooling, to join some sort of a homeschooling support group or co-op. Bare minimum, we all would benefit from 2-3 moms who know more than we do.
I am thankful to be part of a church that is very supportive of homeschooling, with many women who have walked this road ahead of me. Several of these ladies have given me little "nuggets" of advice, that the LORD consistently uses to help me keep moving forward when I start to lose perspective. I hope the "top ten" that I share here today will be as encouraging to you as they have been to me:
1. Much of early homeschooling can be accomplished with two activities--reading out loud and playing outside.
2. Preschool doesn't need to take more than 15 minutes a day. Kindergarten, no more than 45. Now, she didn't say that she never taught her little ones anything for the rest of the day...only that she didn't need to "do academics" any longer than that. My kids regularly want to do school longer--but this is really good to remember when they, or I, don't.
3. Teach reading while nursing the baby. Teach math while the baby naps.
4. If you have the choice between working together and "doing school" together, work together. Life is work, and teaching our children the value of work is one of the most important gifts we can give them. When we work together, we usually have the opportunity to do the kind of "walk-along, talk-along" discipleship that Jesus did.
5. Did you read the Bible and pray with them today? If so, stop beating yourself up. You did what was most important. Tomorrow is a new day.
6. If it's not working for you and your child, get rid of it. It doesn't matter if every other homeschooling mom you know loves it. Be done with it. No amount of money spent on curriculum is worth the daily stress and tears. (If it's really that highly recommended, it should be easy to resell on
7. Try to choose "multi-age" curriculum whenever possible. This kind of curriculum allows you to study a subject--say ancient history--as a family. Your kindergartener can learn about the pyramids right along side his 2nd grade brother and his 5th grade sister...sometimes all the way through highschool. It saves time, saves money, reduces mommy stress, and promotes family togetherness.
8. It is okay, for example, to allow your son to complete all of his math assignments for a month in a matter of days, in order that he might spend the rest of that month building with Legos. He might become a computer programmer someday. (True Story.)
9. If your child understands the material, it's perfectly acceptable to move on to the next lesson. You don't need to finish every assignment. In fact, some books just weren't meant to be finished. You didn't do every lesson in every textbook you were issued in school, did you?
10. Don't forget to enjoy your kids!! Homeschooling is relational...don't miss it! If you're having an "off" day, get out and do something fun as a family, or have a playdate with friends. Remind yourself daily how blessed you are to be free to educate your own children in accordance with your faith and values. Hug and kiss them regularly.
They grow up way too fast.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
A Name, A Legacy -- Naming Acacia Lily
6:49 AM |
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This post is part 3 in a series on choosing meaningful names for our covenant children. You can read the first two posts by clicking the links below:
A Name, A Legacy
At first glance, it would appear that, unless you don't mind sticking with the classics--Sara, Elizabeth, and Mary, for example--you will have a hard time choosing a Bible name for your daughter.
To be sure, there are ladies in the Bible with more unusual names, but do you really want to name your daughter Milcah, or Rahab, or Bathsheba?
Then, there are prettier names that aren't commonly used--Delilah, Jezebel, and Athaliah, for example. The problem, of course, is that they belonged to truly despicable women. No sane person would bestow these monikers upon a baby least, not if they knew better.
And of course, there are the many women of the Bible of whom the LORD chooses not to tell us their names. Noah's wife comes to mind.
The whole situation reminds me of the dilemma that Millie Pontipee faced in the musical, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. In an effort to follow family tradition, she gave her husband, Adam, the choice of three "H" names from the Bible for their baby daughter--Hagar, Hepzibah, and Hannah. It shouldn't take you long to guess which one he picked.
The fact of the matter is, there simply aren't as many female names in the Bible as there are male names. Those of the familiar heroines have indeed been quite popular throughout history. But, does that mean that those of us who want more distinctive names for our daughters have to look elsewhere?
Happily, the answer is "No".
When I tell people that "Acacia" (pronounced "Ah-KAY-sha") is a Bible name, most folks give me a surprised look and say something like,
"Really? I've never heard of her!"
The secret, of course, is that "Acacia" in the Bible is not a "who"--it is a "what". It is a tree that grows in the desert, and it is Acacia wood that the LORD commands Moses and the Israelites to use when building the Ark of the Covenant and the Tabernacle:
A Name, A Legacy
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Baby Acacia Lily, 2006 |
At first glance, it would appear that, unless you don't mind sticking with the classics--Sara, Elizabeth, and Mary, for example--you will have a hard time choosing a Bible name for your daughter.
To be sure, there are ladies in the Bible with more unusual names, but do you really want to name your daughter Milcah, or Rahab, or Bathsheba?
Then, there are prettier names that aren't commonly used--Delilah, Jezebel, and Athaliah, for example. The problem, of course, is that they belonged to truly despicable women. No sane person would bestow these monikers upon a baby least, not if they knew better.
And of course, there are the many women of the Bible of whom the LORD chooses not to tell us their names. Noah's wife comes to mind.
The whole situation reminds me of the dilemma that Millie Pontipee faced in the musical, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. In an effort to follow family tradition, she gave her husband, Adam, the choice of three "H" names from the Bible for their baby daughter--Hagar, Hepzibah, and Hannah. It shouldn't take you long to guess which one he picked.
The fact of the matter is, there simply aren't as many female names in the Bible as there are male names. Those of the familiar heroines have indeed been quite popular throughout history. But, does that mean that those of us who want more distinctive names for our daughters have to look elsewhere?
Happily, the answer is "No".
When I tell people that "Acacia" (pronounced "Ah-KAY-sha") is a Bible name, most folks give me a surprised look and say something like,
"Really? I've never heard of her!"
The secret, of course, is that "Acacia" in the Bible is not a "who"--it is a "what". It is a tree that grows in the desert, and it is Acacia wood that the LORD commands Moses and the Israelites to use when building the Ark of the Covenant and the Tabernacle:
"They shall construct an ark of acacia wood two and a half cubits long, and one and a half cubits wide, and one and a half cubits high."
Exodus 25:10
See what you miss when you skip over the "boring", "irrelevant" parts of the Old Testament?
This symbolism of the Covenant had a powerful meaning for us, and almost instantly we knew that we had a beautifully unique, and at the same time, deeply spiritual name for our daughter.
As we looked into the name further, we discovered that the acacia tree is seen as a symbol of immortality and the resurrection in Greek culture. While most baby name dictionaries give Acacia a definition of "thorny" (ironically, in spite of the fact that not all varieties of the plant have thorns), the Greeks will tell you that it means "resurrection tree". The reason for this is that the tree can survive a severe drought. It can seem to shrivel up and die, and then burst back to life when rain comes again. Therefore, it is often bestowed upon Greek baby girls born around the time of Easter.
Our Acacia was born on Good Friday morning. Having this powerful reminder of our Savior, the tree on which he shed His blood for us, and His resurrection, gives more meaning to her name than we could have dreamed of on our own. I truly believe that, just as He chose the day of her birth, the LORD also chose her name.
And what of her middle name, Lily? Well, besides being the name of one of her Great-Great Grandmothers on her father's side of the family (she spelled it "Lillie"), it too carries a spiritual, botanical reference in Scripture:
Photo Courtesy of |
"And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they never toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?"
Matthew 6:28-30
Today, our Acacia is a bright eyed, four-year-old beauty, with a song of praise in her heart and a similar personality to little Laura Ingalls. She'd like nothing more than to run around barefoot outside all day her frilliest dress, of course. And even though she wants to be good, it seems that at times she can't help but find trouble.
Looking at her is like looking into a 20-something-year-old mirror! Living with Acacia is an almost spooky reminder of what I looked like and who I was as a little girl.
Sometimes I have to be careful not to be too easy on her, because she reminds me of "me"...
...Sometimes I have to be careful not to be too hard on her, because she reminds me of "me".
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Me and my baby sister, circa 1981 |
As Acacia Lily navigates this road of Christ-honoring womanhood that we are called to walk, I pray that I will be patient and gracious with her, and that, when she looks at me, she will, by the mercies of God, see a picture of a godly woman.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Where Do I Start?--Homeschooling a Kindergartener
7:19 AM |
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By the time I had been married for three months, I knew I would homeschool my children--and we weren't even pregnant yet! (It took my hubby a bit longer to come to the same conclusion, but that's another story.)
I remember attending my first meeting of our church's homeschool moms group when our oldest was just a few months old. I felt a bit out of place, but I nonetheless felt compelled to be there. I mean, I only had 4-5 years before I'd have to know what I was doing! I wanted to know more about the different "styles" of homeschooling, what everyone's favorite curriculum was, etc...
I didn't want to be caught unprepared.
Now, most moms probably won't be attending homeschool groups, or researching curriculum options, when their children are babies, but most of us do want to be prepared.
The problem comes, of course, when homeschooling was not the original plan. I have talked to several moms who are going to homeschool their Kindergartener this year, after having assumed they would always send their child to school.
Their big question is,
"Help! What do I do? Where do I start?"
They want to know the same things I did when my son was a baby, but they feel a far greater sense of urgency.
They need a crash course.
And so, with much humility, and the disclaimer that my only claim to "expertise" is having successfully homeschooled one Kindergartener, I offer my version of that crash course.
First of all, the basics. (I promise, for those who have asked, to talk about specific curriculum recommendations in a forthcoming post):
1. Don't Panic. Seriously...don't do it! Kindergarten is not that complicated, and you're highly unlikely to mess it up. You're the one who taught your child to walk, talk, and use the potty, aren't you? Indeed, you've taught him a lot more than that already. Nobody sprinkled pixie dust over your child's head when he turned five, magically changing him into someone who can only be taught by a "professional" with a teaching certificate. You are the world's foremost expert in your own child, and you are qualified to teach him.
2. Learn the Laws. This is the least fun part of preparing for homeschooling, but it is important. You need to find out what the homeschooling laws are in your state. The Homeschool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) website has information on the homeschooling laws for each state (and yes, homeschooling is legal in all 50 states). I would also recommend finding out what your state's homeschool advocacy group is, as they may have more detailed information. (For my "local" readers, Wisconsin Parents Association (WPA) is an outstanding resource. I highly recommend their handbook.)
The good news is, many states do not have mandatory attendance laws before the age of 6, 7, or even 8, so you may not actually have to "do" anything in terms of reporting or approving your homeschool with the state--at least, not this year. Be wary of mailings or visits from your local school district, suggesting that you need to submit your child to developmental screening, give personal information about your child for a school "census", or allow a school official to review your curriculum. Only do these things if they are actually required by law.
3. Talk to Someone Who's "Been There". Find the most experienced mom you know, who has homeschooled the most kids, whose children you like, and start there. Most likely, you are not the only homeschooling parent in your area, and local support and encouragement is best if it is available.
If you don't know of any other local homeschooling families, try asking your state's advocacy group about any area support groups or co-ops. You can also check the state-by-state listings at .
There are many, many, online homeschooling communities, of course, and these can be immensely helpful. They can also be a time drain, though, and time spent sitting at the computer is time usually not spent with your kids (just ask any blogger) be judicious, and set your timer.
4. Don't "Do School"...Do Life. We live in an ultra-compartmentalized world, that separates home from work from academia. Judging by the way the typical school is structured, you'd think that people of different ages couldn't even have a conversation with each other! This is such an artificial way of thinking, but it's a mindset that most of us have been raised with, and we have to work very hard to shake it if we're going to raise our children differently.
Work is is is school. They are all interconnected.
So take your kids with your to the grocery store. Talk about the different kinds of fruits and vegetables you see. Talk about making wise food choices. Talk about menus, shopping lists, budgets, and sales.
Teach your children how to wash dishes, fold and put away clothes, and scrub the toilet. Every Kindergartener can be taught to help with cooking and meal preparations. Their future spouses will thank you some day.
And talk to your kids...when you sit down, when you walk along the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. (Deuteronomy 11:19). Young children learn so much from ordinary conversation! They do not need to sit down at a desk (or in a circle for that matter) and listen to a teacher talk for learning to occur.
5. Be Wise About "Socialization". If you've recently decided that you are going to homeschool your Kindergartener--even if it's just for one year--you will most likely hear concerns from friends and family about so-called "socialization". While the definition of this hot-button word changes from person to person (see this post), when it comes to your five or six year old, most people are probably worried that your child will be lonely, awkward, or have no friends.
For some parents, these conversations can become quiet frustrating, because the very reason they have chosen not to send their children to Kindergarten is because they are timid, shy, and have a hard time making friends--or, on the other end of things, they may be easily overstimulated, have a hard time sitting still, and have difficulty interacting with peers in a way that is at all "friendly" or constructive. Many folks see the only solution to shyness or obnoxious behavior in large group settings is to expose the young child to more large group settings.
Homeschooling families think differently. We believe that a gentler approach is in order. So we take our children on play dates at friends' houses or at parks. We play in groups of 4, 8, or 10 children, all accompanied by involved parents, rather than groups of 20 or 30, with one teacher and maybe a teacher's aide to play "referee". Our children can cultivate friendships with children and adults of all ages, in various settings, rather than spending the vast majority of their time in the same classroom with the same set of peers. They can observe their parents interacting and conversing with other adults, and they can have their own conversations guided by loving parents, who want to see their children treat other people with kindness, politeness and respect.
6. Remember the 80/20 Principle. Last but not least, whenever you feel overwhelmed, remember that about 20% of what you do makes an 80% difference, and about 80% of what you do makes only a 20% difference. Concentrate on the 20% that is the most important.
I am still firmly convinced that most children would be better of if they did nothing but read the Bible and play outside all day than they would in an institutional school setting...especially when they are young. Of course, we do so much more than this every day, but hear my point:
Our primary job as Christian parents is to bring our little ones up in the nurture and admonition of the LORD. (Ephesians 6:4) Contrary to popular opinion, this job cannot be handed off to a Sunday School teacher or Youth Pastor, nor is it over once a child makes a profession of faith. It is a constant, relentless job, where we will face opposition at every turn.
Think about how hard it is for you, as a mature adult, to grow spiritually. How much harder it is for our little ones! But, that's why God gave them to us--why He places them in families! He does it in order that we might pass on the living truth of our Christian faith from generation to generation. This kind of spiritual instruction is virtually impossible to accomplish when our children are away from us for most of each day, most of each week. When we remember this, questions about curriculum, socialization, and logistics can be seen in a whole new light...and it gives us a renewed confidence in what we are doing, why we are doing it, and Who we are doing it for.
So, there you have it, my top six tips for getting started with Kindergarten homeschooling. (We'll talk about "what to teach" and choosing curriculum shortly.)
What do you think? I'd love to hear your thoughts! Is this helpful? What suggestions would you add?
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About Me

- Tiana
- I'm a Stay-at-Home, Christian, "crunchy" mama. I have been blessed with the calling to be a godly wife and mother. I am passionate about bringing up my children in the discipline and instruction of the LORD, through home education and discipleship. Helpmeet to my best friend and soulmate, Christopher since 1/29/2000, and mama to four little blessings, including a tiny, precious, newborn baby girl.
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Our Curriculum 2010-2011
Bible--Child's Story Bible by Catherine Vos, Apologia Biblical World View Book 1, "Who is God and Can I Really Know Him?"
Catechism-- "Training Hearts, Teaching Minds" by Starr Meade
Phonics--Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons
Literature--Ambleside Online Year 0 Recommended Books
(Kindergarten), Year 1 Booklist (1st Grade)
Handwriting--Bible Copywork, made using Educational Fontware
Spelling-- All About Spelling Level 1 (1st grade)
Math--Math-U-See Primer (Kindergarten) , Math-U-See Alpha (1st grade)
Science--Apologia Exploring Creation With Astronomy
World History--Simply Charlotte Mason's Genesis Through Deuteronomy and Ancient Egypt
American History--The Light and The Glory For Children Series
Art--Interest-led projects and handicrafts
Geography and Missions-- "Hero Tales" by Dave and Neta Jackson, as well as various other missionary biographies, incorporating globe and map study
*We will be studying music and phy-ed., participating in a writing club and nature club, as well as attending various field trips, with our church's homeschool group.*